Pool Room 3310 37th Ave, Vernon, British ColumbiaSnooker league meets every Tuesday Evening Contact the office for more information.
Snooker league meets every Tuesday Evening Contact the office for more information.
Come out and jam with us, Thursday nights, acoustic instrument only. EVERYONE welcome
Come join us for Canasta, Every Monday and Friday Drop in fees are: $3 for Halina Members - $5 for Non Members
Bingo at the Halina Centre, every Friday afternoon. Doors open at 12:00, game play starts at 1:00
Ukulele group meets every Sunday from September through to June. Like to play, come and check it out!
Come join us for Canasta, Every Monday and Friday Drop in fees are: $3 for Halina Members - $5 for Non Members
Come have some fun Floor Curling Every Monday morning Drop in fees are: $3 for Halina Members - $5 for Non Members
Bingo every Tuesday afternoon Doors open at 12:00, game play starts at 1:00
Snooker league meets every Tuesday Evening Contact the office for more information.
Come join us for Canasta, Every Monday and Friday Drop in fees are: $3 for Halina Members - $5 for Non Members
Bingo at the Halina Centre, every Friday afternoon. Doors open at 12:00, game play starts at 1:00
Ukulele group meets every Sunday from September through to June. Like to play, come and check it out!