
Halina Ukulele

Club Room

Ukulele group meets every Sunday from September through to June. Like to play, come and check it out!    

Rhythm Rounds

Halina Room

We have moved back to Sunday's, come and join us every Sunday. from 2:00 - 6:00 pm


Club Room

Come join us for Canasta, Every Monday and Friday Drop in fees are: $3 for Halina Members - $5 for Non Members  

Floor Curling

Halina Room

Come have some fun Floor Curling Every Monday morning Drop in fees are: $3 for Halina Members - $5 for Non Members


Vernon Fiddlers

Club Room

The Vernon Fiddlers have been in existence for several years and in the past you probably danced to their music.  Today, the music is the same with waltz’s, polka’s, fox trots and of course your Favorite pattern dances but you will notice some new faces in the group. So whether you love to dance, listen […]


Pool Room 3310 37th Ave, Vernon, British Columbia


Halina Room

Bingo every Tuesday afternoon Doors open at 12:00, game play starts at 1:00

Tai Chi

Halina Room


Pool Room 3310 37th Ave, Vernon, British Columbia


Halina Room


Pool Room 3310 37th Ave, Vernon, British Columbia